Components of SEO

digital marketingWhat is SEO?

With the rise in the usage of Google to decide on most the buying decisions or to find out information, it is very important to get our sites on the top of the SERPs.  When your website ranks on Google then there are all chances that the traffic to your site increases and as a result the business also increases. The days are gone when creating a website for enough for a business, but today apart from creating a good website it is important to get recognised by Google and finally by the visitors. When you learn digital marketing course in Chennai yo will come to know that, here SEO comes into picture by following correct methods and techniques there are all chances that the website would get ranked in the SERPs. Let’s take a look at components which are used for doing effective SEO.

Components of SEO.

  • Keywords– For any SEO campaign or the website it is very important to have some keywords. The owner of the website would want to get his website ranked when a certain keyword is typed by the user. Finding out that keyword is very important to get business. The most important keyword is called as the primary keyword and the all the other keywords are called secondary keywords. Digital marketing training institute in Chennai says that keywords are the basement for any SEO campaign.
  • Title tag– The title of the website is called the title tag, it is important to have the primary keywords i the title tag so as to get a ranking boost. Every page has its own keyword so optimising the title tags accordingly would be very beneficial.
  • URL– It is very important to have a URL which contains keywords and the URL should be closer to root. This would be easy for users to navigate through the website.
  • Alt tags– When the uploading pictures to your web pages it is very important to give them a alt tags, this will show the search engines what this image is about.
  • Meta tags– Meta tags include Meta description and Meta keywords; Meta description means to give details of your website in brief it is advisable to add call to action here. Meta keywords to declare that the given keywords are important for your website.
  • Sitemap– Generating a site map is very important this helps the Google to find out easily what all pages and content is there in your website this helps Google to crawl faster. This is rank boosting factor.

These are some of the components of SEO which should not be ignored. For professional digital marketing training in Chennai join Fita academy today.